‘Ship’s Log’

Ship’s Log

Jacques Cousteau’s ship’s log:
The Calypso, Black Point, Bahamas, May 1966.
‘Came in contact with the more energetic blonde mermaid again today. She was sleeping at around six fathoms. After the unfortunate incident with the black haired one two days ago, we have learnt only to photograph these creatures from the waist up. They seem to have an almost radar-like ability of knowing when Jean-Luc or myself train our cameras on their lower bodies (scaley from waist down fanning out into large, flowing tail section), and become fiercely hostile.
There is no research on this behaviour to draw upon, but folklore around these islands talks of mermaids tempting sailors to their deaths by only exposing their upper bodies from the sea, thus giving them a solely human appearance, and so making them more appealing. I believe the behaviour more likely connected to mating rites and protection (of the species), but more research needs to be completed in order to reach any rational, scientific conclusion.